
Tonle Sap, the largest lake around the entire Southeast Asia, has witnessed the unimaginably queer life of a huge number of inhabitants from Cambodia and Vietnam. The lake water is bearing the every minor detail of their lives——fishing, washing, trade and transport, or even bathing and sometimes, drinking. They are in the pure waterworld, while their future is in chaos.——word/photo by Ichole
东南亚最大淡水湖,洞里萨湖见证了来自越南及柬埔寨无数水上居民的神奇的生活。湖水承载着他们生活的每一个细枝末节——捕鱼,清洗,贸易和交通,甚至是洗澡和有时的饮用。他们在纯粹的水世界中,而他们的未来也混沌异常——文字/摄影 艾可,摄自柬埔寨。


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